Where Our Rural Coastal Communities Connect!
Join RIEP's ongoing series of free virtual meet-ups where we share updates, present ideas, learn, laugh, give support, and work together to build an enduring, all-islands and rural coastal community, held regularly throughout the year via Zoom.
Explore Past Cafés: Café Archive
Mar 27/24 – Economic Resiliency Network – Recap

SMALL BIZ - DISASTER PREP: www2.gov.bc.ca - Prepared BC - Guides and Resources
PREPARED BC: BC's Emergency Plan for Small Business
CLEAN BC: 2023 Climate Change Accountability Report
CLIMATE ACTION SECRETARIAT – Adaptation, Ministry of Environment
The Climate Action Secretariat (CAS), within the BC Ministry of Environment, drives change to achieve British Columbia’s greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and helps British Columbia prepare for and adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change.
Key Contact: Myron Roth Myron.Roth@gov.bc.ca
Go to Resource: http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/climate-change/adaptation
Manual & Toolkit: www.bceda.ca/economic_disaster_preparation.php
10 Steps to Prepare Your Business for Evacuation - PDF
Coastal Community Credit Union - Contact: Yvonne.jones@cccu.ca
Climate Healing Workshop – Maggie Ziegler, MA
Climate Healing & Resilience - PDF
Climate Burnout Report - Climate Critical Earth, Report Published 2023
A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet by Sarah Jaquette Ray
Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy by Joanna Macy
Coping with climate anxiety…and climate change itself, by Lisa Wolff, Aug 2023
Excerpt on Britt Wray’s speech to the World Economic Forum on How to Live Meaningfully with Climate Anxiety, July 2023
ISLANDS FUTURES GABRIOLA ISLAND: SustainableGabriola.ca/climate12action (Email: Climate12Action@gmail.com)
TRANSITION SALT SPRING: www.transitionsaltspring.com
INDIGENOUS CLIMATE HUB: www.indigenousclimatehub.ca
How To Boil A Frog – Make Friends/Make Fun/Make Trouble (Trailer here)
See original event, INCLUDING VIDEO RECAP: March 27 Event Page
Nov 14/23 – Building Resilience Together – Recap

A great turn out that included a nice mix of familiar faces, along with plenty of new attendees!
Guests received updates from active Working Groups:
- Rural Housing Policy
- Climate Adaptation & Mitigation
- Building Local Economic Capacity
And discussed the formation of two volunteer-led Resolutions ‘Working Groups’:
- Food Security
- Travel As A Force For Good
For more information about the RIEP Forum Resolution Working Groups, or if you are interested in participating, please email info@ruralislandspartnership.ca.
Jun 08/23 – 2023 RIEP Forum Resolutions – Recap

Café attendees gathered virtually to connect and reflect upon the outcomes of the recent 2023 Forum, and in particular to review and discuss 2023 Forum Resolutions that were developed during Action Labs at the 3-day gathering.
The seven resolutions include:
- Rural Island Housing Policy
- Building Local Economic Capacity
- Travel As A Force For Good
- Climate Adaptation Practices
- Circular Economy How To’s
The café led to the formation of three volunteer-led Resolutions ‘Working Groups’:
- Rural Housing Policy
- Climate Adaptation & Mitigation
- Building Local Economic Capacity
“Coming together as a network of communities to take collaborative action is what resulted in these calls for action”, said Francine Carlin, Chair and interim Executive Director of the Rural Islands Economic Partnership (RIEP). “The Connection Café was an important next step to launching the process for activating the Resolutions and moving them forward.”
Carlin said the Resolution Working Groups will come together to review, refine and propose next steps for activation with the intention of engaging island settler and Indigenous community partners, and for seeking an audience with local and provincial government bodies.
Island residents, community orgs, community economic development orgs, chambers of commerce, and representatives of island-based businesses and partner organizations interested in participating in any of the RIEP Forum Resolution Working Groups can email chair@ruralislandspartnership.ca.
Link here to full article summary: June Café Article
May 31/22 – Stay Competitive: Biz Tools for Generating Year-Round Revenues – Recap

Check out the May Café recap (link below) to gain the knowledge and resources you need to market your business year-round!
This Connection Café featured business tools for year-round revenue. Interactive sessions dove deep into:
- Be Inspired! Small businesses that have used their creative currency to move through these challenging times.
- Think Local, Sell Global! Opportunities for growing your business beyond the shores of your island.
- We Love Local! Realize year-round benefits from online business directories and targeted campaigns.
- For New Businesses Looking to Launch: Creative ideas and directions for your marketing plans.
- Non-Profits Benefit: Resources available to refresh your communication plans.
Panel Discussion:
- Fabrizio Alberico, Advisor, Export Navigator
- Pip Seymour, Co-Founder & Partner, Seymour Digital Media
- Emilie Kaplun, Catching Stars Gallery
Business Tools Showcase Feature:
- Rising Tide Business Services, the Digital Marketing Agency created by islanders, for islanders! Access the latest business tools and digital marketing solutions to fit your budget. Learn about the common small biz marketing pitfalls that waste precious time and money. - Sherese Johnson, Manager
Break-Out Room Topics:
- Casual Islander Connections
- Small Biz / Start-up Marketing Pain Points
See original event, INCLUDING VIDEO RECAP: https://ruralislandspartnership.ca/event/connection-cafe-31-may-2022/
Mar 29/22 – Sustainable Travel-Balancing Protection & Tourism – Recap

March’s CONNECTION CAFÉ included a facilitated Roundtable Dialogue + Q & A and topical break-out sessions with tourism activity providers, tourism organization reps, and sustainable travel enthusiasts who will share perspectives and experiences related to:
- Sustainable Travel – Rural Islands Destination Pledge
- Fostering Experiential Eco-Tourism & Edu-Tourism
- Promoting Carbon Neutral Travel & Carbon Off-Setting
- Reflections On Covid – Tourism Recovery ‘Pivots’ And Impacts
- Supporting Local Tourism Businesses
- Regenerative Tourism & Creating a Positive Impact on Destinations
Panel Discussion:
- Kai Harvey, Cortes Kayak - Cortes
- Andreas Hagen (Dre), Discovery Islands Chamber Commerce Council - Quadra
- Jody Lorenz, Tourism Bowen Island Association
- Hannah Grant, Tourism Vancouver Island, Director of Digital Strategy
- Randy Cunningham, Chair, Southern Gulf Island Tourism Partnership
The Whale Trail 2022 https://thewhaletrail.org
Donna Sandstrom - Founder/Executive Director and Aaron Purdy - Oceanwise
Break-Out Room Topics:
- Eco / Edu Tourism Opportunities
- Climate Conscience Sustainable Travel
- Tourism Recovery - Generating Year Round Revenues
See original event, INCLUDING VIDEO RECAP: https://ruralislandspartnership.ca/event/connection-cafe-29-mar-2022/
Feb 22/22 – Farmers & Local Food Resilience – Recap

February’s CONNECTION CAFÉ features a facilitated roundtable dialogue + Q & A with rural island farmers, food producers and food resilience champions from Cortes, Gabriola, Galiano, Malcolm, Salt Spring and more!
Enjoy shared perspectives about the ways the pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities as well as opportunities related to:
- Building a robust local and islands wide food economy
- Biodiversity in the face of global warming and environmental conditions; fires, drought, floods, freezing, heat dome
- Addressing the supply gap and strengthening the value chain
- Best practices for distributing local produced-processed food
- Connecting local buyers to local producers
- Garden to Table trends and strategies
- Fundraising and marketing successes
Panel Discussion:
- Filipe Figueria, Cortes Resilience Coordinator - Cortes Community Economic Development Association
- Graham Bradley, President - Gabriola, Gabriola Chamber of Commerce
- Ed Andrusiak, activist - Galiano
- Nick Jones, - Salt Spring, Salt Spring Agricultural Alliance
- Emma Davis, Coordinator, Galiano Food Program - Galiano
Showcase Feature:
- Chris Hall, Loving Off The Land - Pender http://www.youtube.com/lovinofftheland
Break-Out Room Topics:
- Local Food Resilience & Security
- Farmers, Producers & Supportive Programs
- Investors & Fundraising Relationships
See original event, INCLUDING VIDEO RECAP: https://ruralislandspartnership.ca/event/connection-cafe-22-feb-2022/
Jan 25/22 – Rural Island Arts: Fostering Community Vitality – Recap

Across the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities of BC’s rural islands – from Cortes, Denman and Hornby, to Gabriola, Pender, and Salt Spring, to Bowen, Cormorant, Quadra, Malcolm, and beyond, these islands have long been home to unique, vibrant, and creative arts communities.
The artists and artisans of these communities are cultural leaders as well as contributors to the ongoing economic vitality of their individual islands. Most often reflected in inspirational and innovative programming for residents and visitors alike.
The January Roundtable included an exploration of the arts on BC's rural islands, featuring perspectives from arts leaders representing Gabriola, Hornby, Malcolm and Salt Spring Islands. They shared their experiences, successes, knowledge and concerns about the current and future vitality of the arts culture on BC's rural islands.
Gain an insider’s view of how the ‘arts work’ in the ‘new normal’. Including exploration for how to:
- Identify regional arts & cultural facilities with available ongoing advocacy and programming
- Understand what constitutes as an “arts-friendly” community and what resources are required
- Learn about current arts & tourism initiatives
- Recognize community champions of our local artistic and cultural heritage
- Value the impact of art and understanding the economic, community and individual benefits
- Future proof our islands arts communities in a post-covid world
- Directly engage with fellow artists, facilitators, service providers and community leaders
- Strengthen collaboration and rural arts network opportunities
RIEP welcomed:
- Yael Wand, Executive Director, Salt Spring Arts
- Mary-Louise Albert, Artistic Executive Director, BCMovement & Art Society - Malcolm Island
- Andrew Mark, Executive Director, Hornby Arts
- Carol Fergusson, Executive Director, Gabriola Arts
Break-Out Room Topics:
- Funding for the Arts
- Advocacy for Islands Arts
- Networking
See original event, INCLUDING VIDEO RECAP: https://ruralislandspartnership.ca/event/connection-cafe-jan-25/
Nov 30/21 – Emergency Preparedness – Recap

From the Frontline: BC’s Rural Islanders Organize for Immediate Solutions To Climate Emergency
The Rural Islands Economic Partnerships (RIEP) Emergency Preparedness event on November 30th, highlighted the importance of inter-island reliance, and dependence on regional and national systems during crisis situations.
"Rural islanders understand one another... and the unique needs we face as a community,” said Gabriola islander Julie Sperber, a Board Director of RIEP. “No matter the crisis — whether it is a pandemic, fire, flood or other natural or man-made disaster — we need to learn how to plan for recovery by learning what has already worked at a local level, and what to consider on a national and global scale, and then find ways to adapt and implement the best emergency response for the benefit of our communities and businesses.”
During the event a panel of experts shared practical steps on how to mobilize rural communities to prepare for emergency response and recovery. . .
Jeff Ballingall, Quadra Island Emergency Program Coordinator, spoke about the importance of developing a volunteer-led initiative that engages the community at the grassroots level in order to prepare and plan for emergencies.
Jeremy Stone, Director and Founder of Recovery and Relief Services, shared the importance of strategic planning that takes into consideration economic recovery planning for rural communities.
Special guest: Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament (Green Party) for Saanich and the Gulf Islands said: “We must secure commitment and funding to empower rural communities to prepare and train in advance of the next crisis, and more importantly be ready for recovery.”
Break-Out Room Topics:
- Local emergency plan opportunities
- Networking
Emergency Prep Resources
BC Emergency Support Service: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-management/local-emergency-programs/ess
Community Disaster Resilience Planning - The Justice Institute: https://cdrp.jibc.ca
Local Economic Recovery & Restart Toolkit - BCEDA: https://www.bceda.ca/local_economic_recovery_rest.php
See original event, INCLUDING VIDEO RECAP: https://ruralislandspartnership.ca/event/connection-cafe-networking-showcase/
Events Archive
Connection Café – Mitigating & Adapting: Climate Change Economic Disruptions
Are you prepared for the risk of climate-related disruptions to your coastal region business, community organization, or livelihood?
Connection Café – Building Resilience Together – 6-8 PM
Join fellow rural islanders and coastal residents as we mobilize to find solutions for today's critical community challenges.
Connection Cafe – 2023 RIEP Forum Resolutions
Learn about the Rural Islands Values Framework and our 2023 RIEP Forum Resolutions — a roadmap for realizing rural island “values in action"!
Connection Café – 31 May 2022
Stay Competitive: Biz Tools for Generating Year-Round Revenues. Watch the recording here!
Connection Café – 29 Mar 2022
March's CONNECTION CAFÉ included Dialogue + Q & A with tourism activity providers & representatives of tourism management organizations exploring how to achieve sustainable tourism. Watch the recording here!
Connection Café – 22 Feb 2022
February’s CONNECTION CAFÉ featured a facilitated roundtable dialogue + Q & A with rural island farmers, food producers and food resilience champions from Cortes, Gabriola, Galiano, Malcolm, Salt Spring and more!
Watch the recording here!
Connection Café – 25 Jan 2022
January’s CONNECTION CAFÉ included a lively and facilitated roundtable dialogue + Q & A with rural island arts movers, shakers and makers. Watch the recording here!
Connection Café: Emergency Preparedness
Where Islanders met to discuss emergency preparedness and to meet and learn from other islanders...